Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fresh starts, new beginnings

I'm beginning a blog today. I have no idea how often I'll post or on what subject I'll cover. However, I have felt the need to express myself and share my circumstances with others because God is so very real to me and He continues to reveal Himself in every trial and every success.
The blog entries will be a few things but one thing they won't be is a gripe session or condemnation post for me to vent my frustrations. My heart's desire through this blog is to reveal Christ and where I see Him in my everyday experiences.
There are some very tough hardships being experienced in my family--my extended family and my immediate family. There are relationships within my immediate family that need the healing hand of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, to mend. There are relationships within my extended family that need the same positive, healing influence. I, too, am hurting as I consider circumstances beyond my control that have caused pain to those I love--and to me. Then there are the self-inflicted wounds in which the enemy would have me wallow.
Yet, my favorite transition written in Scripture: "But, God," changes everything!
I've often said that though there are 7 billion people in this world, God is still personal to Rick.
My circumstances have not changed one iota, "But, God" has revealed Himself to me and has given me His perspective on my circumstances. I soooo want to be in control because I am soooo convinced I would be great and there wouldn't be these types of circumstances if I were in control. But God knows better. And God is faithful to teach me the lessons I need to learn so that I will more quickly grasp that He knows better.
Often times, I think my logic is the most sensible and therefore should be the "operating system" for the lives of all those I love. Yet, "the One Who Put the Stars in Place," the "One Who Sees the End From the Beginning" actually knows more than me and even addresses my tendency in Scripture (Proverbs 6:3-5), cautioning me to resist trusting my own instincts but to instead trust in Him.
So today, here's where I have already seen God:
In our provision for the ministry He called us to 15 years ago. We were once again $600 short of a full paycheck this past month. But God (love that) brought us an unexpected gift of $250 to soften the blow. The rest was made up by NOT funding some descretionary items in our budget ($120 monthly new car fund; $20 monthly savings from switching to a new satelite TV provider; $100 less in groceries this month--trusting that with just Tonya at home these days, there will be SOME savings) and we'll trust that God will make up the rest as He has continually done the 12 years we've been in Little Rock serving with FamilyLife.
For Father's Day, I received at gift certificate for my favorite eatery, Chipotle. The generous gift from Brian and Sallie makes it possible for multiple solo visits or one gathering of 4 people. Because I have a personal allowance and our budget includes a small eating out provision, I've used it for both personal enjoyment and to bless family members. To God be the glory!
On July 4th, 10 of us drove from Little Rock to Arlington, TX (in two cars) to spend the day at Six Flags over Dallas. Joey and Brittany, Brian and Sallie, Susie, Tonya and I, plus three friends had just a delightful day riding rollercoasters and other rides, not hampered by immense crowds or oppressive heat (though it was in the high 90s that day). We chose to spend our budgeted "Vacation" fund on a pre-season sale of Six Flag season passes for Susie, Tonya and I. Brian and Sallie got in on the deal themselves, plus Susie's sister, Lori, and husband, Vern, also took advantage of the deal. We could bring along Joey and Brittany and friends because Six Flags offered a special July 4 price of $20 entry (regular daily fee is $59.99--our season passes cost an average of only $46 each). On Labor Day weekend, we can each bring a guest for FREE!
Our only expense beyond the $17 parrking fee and the $40 meal at the park was the gas to get there and back. By God's grace, the price of gas was UNDER $3.00 ($2.92) a gallon in Little Rock and we paid $3.05 per gallon to fill up in Texas for the ride home!
Tonya reached the ripe "old" age of 17 on the ride home (midnight, July 5). Here's where we saw God on the trip from Six Flags to home:
Twice, at 11:56 p.m. and again at 12:40 a.m. we were stopped by the police as we drove past squad cars on the side of the road at speeds within 5 miles of the posted limit. I was driving and was not concerned--that is until I saw the police cars make up the distance between us in amazingly swift time each stop. I pulled over the first time, the officer came to my side of the car and said, "I stopped you because the light over your license plate is out." Though I don't think I could suppress my incredulousness at his statement, I gave him my license and auto insurance info and waited while he printed out up a warning. No fine, no condemnation, just an alert. After the officer gave me the printed warning, the clock turned to midnight and our car erupted in joyous screams of Happy Birthday, Tonya, and song. Then we went on our way.
Just a short time later, enough time for everyone except Susie and I to fall asleep in the minivan, the scene repeated itself!
This time, after I pulled onto the shoulder, the officer approached from Susie's passenger side. Just before he got to Susie's window, Tonya, woken by the rumble strips, said out loud, "It's my birthday! Can't they leave my daddy alone on my birthday?" I, again, could not contain my laughter but listened as the officer said, "I stopped you because your license plate light is out." Susie and I said almost in unison, "We were just stopped by another officer less than an hour ago." This officer asked to see that warning slip and quickly said "Carry on; have a nice ride home" and went back into his police car. Clearly, on the night of July 4, the Texas State Troopers were looking for something other than what they found in our minivan. Praise be to God. The minor inconvenience was just that, minor. My favorite and somewhat humbling comment came from Susie shortly after we had gotten back on the road after the second stop: "I'm glad you were driving, Rick. I probably would have gotten a ticket for speeding. Thank you." To God be the glory.
Okay, that's enough rambling for the first blog. Comment if you want, I have no idea who will be reading this blog. I don't know how to advertise it--or know if I even want to advertise it! What I do know is I want this blog to glorify God. Thank you for taking time to read it. As you pray for our family, pray that we will seek and see God in all our circumstances. We know He's there, but we don't always seek to see Him. We also know we have an enemy, Satan, who wants to obscure God from our sights. Remember, He who is in us is greater than He who is in the world.
Be of good cheer,